Contact us

Please don’t hesitate to ask us your questions.
Below you'll find our email addresses and phone numbers. Feel free to visit our Help Center, we might have your answer online.

Entreprenadvägen 6
417 05 Göteborg, Sweden
+46(0)31-50 67 80
Opening hours
Monday-Friday 08-16




Dennis Andersson

Dennis Andersson

General Secretary

Anders Albertsson

Anders Albertsson

Event director

[email protected]
+46(0)702-21 25 36


Niclas Freiholtz

Tournament director, competition and development


Lena Rönnefors

Tournament director, logistics and events

[email protected]
+46(0)31-50 67 84

Fredrik Andersson

Fredrik Andersson

Manager marketing and sales

Administration - team contacts

Viktor Dahlqvist

Administration and hotels

[email protected]
+46(0)730-21 89 72

Liselott Boström


[email protected]

+46(0)31-340 07 91

Julia Hornebrant

Julia Hornebrant


[email protected]

+46(0)31-50 67 89

Emelie Jacobsson


[email protected]
+46(0)703-81 78 51

Ellen Palm Crona

Ellen Palm Crona

Administration and hotels (parental leave)

[email protected]
+46(0)704-07 75 46

Competition and event areas

Martin Laanemets

Martin Laanemets

Competition manager

[email protected]
+46 (0)763-07 44 45

Caroline Johansson

Caroline Johansson

Project leader event areas

[email protected]

+46 (0)702-20 26 70

Projects and volunteers

Jenny Söderman

Jenny Söderman

Accommodation and volunteers

[email protected]
+46(0)31-50 67 86

Jonas Berglund

Jonas Berglund

Volunteers, transportation and logistics

[email protected]
+46(0)707-88 71 11

Naaz Sultani

Volunteers, clean and housekeeping

[email protected]
+46(0)760-04 23 25

Roger Andersson

Roger Andersson

Purchase coordinator

[email protected]
+46(0)31-50 67 83

Julia Koponen

Event producer

[email protected]
+46(0)735-23 69 04

Communication and media

Linn Ohlsson

Press officer

[email protected]
+46(0)736-26 32 70

Alexander Wahlborg

Alexander Wahlborg

Inhouse manager

[email protected]
+46(0)730-24 26 01

Anders Tidholm

Anders Tidholm

Graphic designer

[email protected]
+46(0)702-39 10 49

John Kihlström

John Kihlström

IT and livestream


Thomas Anderson

Thomas Anderson

Director of sales

[email protected]

+46(0)704-19 28 44

Sofia Falk

Loyalty and partner event manager (parental leave)

[email protected]
+46(0)733-91 00 22

Joakim Geigert

Joakim Geigert

Key Account Manager

[email protected]
+46(0)709-35 87 00

Lisa Björklund

Lisa Björklund

Partner and event coordinator

[email protected]
+46(0)702-38 48 61