Watch the matches

from all over the world

In 2024 we will stream over 2500 matches live from over 50 pitches using the latest AI technology.

Get All Access!

Prices 2024

All Access Pass: 349 SEK/€35

The All Access Pass includes the live broadcast of the Gothia Opening Ceremony and all the finals on Saturday.

Match Pass: 89 SEK/€9



During Gothia Cup 2024 we will broadcast live from:

SKF Arena. Heden 3-6. Valhalla IP. Ruddalen 2. Tuvevallen 1 & 2. Apelsinplan 1-2. Noltorpsvallen 1-2. Mjörnvallen 1-2. Slätta Damm 1-2. Sälöfjordsplan 1-2. Backavallen 1. Härlanda 1-2. Prioritet Serneke Arena. Kviberg 2, 4, 6 & 10. Rosenhill IP. Majvallen. Gothia Park Academy 3 & 4. Överåsvallen. Guldheden Södra. Åby 1-2. Åkeredsvallen 1-4. Torslandavallen 1, 2 & 4. Lemmingvallen 1-2. Kortedalavallen 1-2. Mossens IP. Gerdskenvallen 1. Önneredsplan. Vallhamra IP 1-2. Bravida Arena. Gamla Ullevi. Alströmervallen. Generatorsplan.


Artificial Intelligence

All games are live-streamed with automated cameras that follows the movement on the pitch. This way we can offer the best viewing experience possible.


Extended graphics

With the extended graphics you now get more information about the match. Who scored? Team lineups, Pre-game information, club logos and more


Highlights replay

After each match is finished a highlight reel will be available. A new quicker way to rewatch all the goals.

Anywhere, anytime

The matches can be found in our app or on our website. Just look up the match you want to see. The matches available are marked with a play icon in the schedule. They can be watched on both the computers, phones and tablets.