All you need to know about Gothia Cup
A month to go until Gothia Cup.

There’s only a month left for Gothia Cup. After not having been played in three years it’s finally time for the biggest youth tournament in football.
After having been cancelled for two years in a row it’s finally time for another edition of Gothia Cup. The last time the tournament took place was in 2019. From 1975, the year Gothia Cup started, there has been teams from 148 nations participating in the tournament. This year there’ll be 1603 teams from 59 nations participating in Gothia Cup.
Gothenburg, and cities in the greater suburban area, will house over 35000 players and coaches during the so called Gothia Cup-week. The tournament will take place in Gothenburg, Mölndal, Kungsbacka and Partille.
SKF will be main partner for this years tournament, as in previous years. SKF Arena will be the main arena in the tournament. It’s set up at Heden. The finals will be played at SKF Arena and Gamla Ullevi.
Out of the 4140 matches that will be played during Gothia Cup, 1900 matches from 43 pitches will be live streamed in Gothia Cup's app. The matches will be recorded with AI-cameras.
2500 officials will be a part of the tournament, of which 500 are referees. Amongst the other 2000 officials you’ll find serving staff, guides, school hosts and drivers, they’re all there to make the most of your experience – and make sure you’ll leave the tournament with memories for life.
Highlights during the week
Sunday, July 17:
The big arrival day when players and staff arrive to Gothenburg. Gothia Heden Center opens.
Monday, July 18:
Kick-off in the first match of the tournament. Opening ceremony will take place at 8 PM. The gates for the opening ceremony opens at 6.30 PM.
Tuesday, July 19:
The group stages continue. The Gothia Leaders Party at Scandinavium Arena will take place. At Scandinavium the leaders and coaches kan enjoy a night of good food and entertainment among a couple of thousands of other leaders from around the world.
Wednesday, July 20:
Last matches in the group stages are to be played. The playoffs begin.
Thursday, July 21:
The playoffs continue. The finals in Gothia Special Olympics are to be played at Heden.
Friday, July 22:
Fair Play-trophy is handed out at Heden. VIP party.
Saturday, July 23:
The finals are played in Gamla Ullevi and SKF Arena.
Gothia Cup 2022
Participating teams: 1603.
Participators (players and coaches): 35 745.
Participators, including companions: 49 000.
Nations: 59.
Participants since the start, 1975: Cirka 1 228 000 deltagare.
Nations since the start, 1975: 147.
Pitches: 95.
Number of fixtures: 4 140.
School accommodations: 57.
Hotel accommodations: 29.
Live streamed matches: Around 1 900 matches from 43 pitches.
Staff members: Around 2 500.
Main Partner: SKF.
Official Partners: McDonalds, Puma, Länsförsäkringar, Kronfågel, KLM, Liseberg, Volkswagen, NEH, GB Glace, Kopparbergs Bryggeri, We Love Padel.
Tourist nights: 350 500 nights.*
Accredited journalists, 2019: 74 journalists from 12 nations.
* Source: Göteborg & Co, 2013.