Gothia Cup

Competition classes for 11 and 12-year-olds are reintroduced at Gothia Cup 2023

The Swedish Football Association has decided to once again allow competition classes for 11 and 12-year-olds in international tournaments in Sweden.

The decision, to allow 11 and 12-year-olds to compete, means that new classes for girls and boys aged 11 and 12 will be introduced to Gothia Cup 2023. These new classes will be played with play offs and a winner will be crowned. The new classes will be called Girls 11/12 and Boys 11/12.

The previous classes for girls and boys aged 11 and 12, who play according to the Swedish Football Associations competition rules for the age group regarding the selection of winners, i.e. that no tables are counted and no play offs are played, will continue to exist. These classes will be called Girls 11/12 Friendly and Boys 11/12 Friendly.

Teams that have already registered for Gothia Cup 2023 in one of the 11 or 12 year classes will shortly be contacted by the tournament to choose which age class they wish to participate in. Teams that wish to change their age class can do so until May 10th, 2023.