Gothia Cup

Four teams awarded with the Fair Play Trophy

On Friday four teams received the award Fair Play Trophy. The teams has showed extra good behavior and acted in an exemplary manner against both opponents and judges and other officials.

The teams that received the award was Hoops B11, Eskilsminne IF G16, Lyn Fotball G15 and Prep School Puma’s white B13.

Sancho Gonzalez-Cornejo plays in the Prep School Puma’s team white, and he was very proud that his team received this prize.

“It feels good because even though we did not win the cup we can still look back on this and be really proud”, Gonzalez-Cornejo says.

Why do you think you got this award?

“We won this because we always had the head in the game, and we are always professional and respectful out on the pitch”

“We believe it’s very important with fair play and it is something we stand for in this team.”

Good work all teams and players who has shown a good behavior on and off the pitch during Gothia Cup!

Awarded teams:

Hoops B11 (Libanon)
Eskilsminne IF G16 (Sweden)
Lyn Fotball G15 (Norway)
Prep School Pumas white B13 (England)





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