Gothia Cup

Gothia Cup 2023's matches contributed to 77 892 hours of exercise

The tournament and its sustainability partners continue to work towards achieving the third global goal: good health and well-being.

During the summer, the Gothia Cup's matches contributed to 77 892 hours of exercise for children and young people from all over the world.

A total of 4 771 matches were played between 1 878 teams from 69 different countries in Gothia Cup 2023. In total, all participating players – including all group and playoff matches – played football for 4 673 540 minutes, which equates to 77 892 hours. And then all other forms of training, such as warm-up, in connection with the tournament are not included.

These figures can be compared to the fact that 64 matches were played in the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand this summer. In total, the World Cup players played football for 129 360 minutes, which is 2 156 hours. The Gothia Cup matches contributed to 75 736 more hours of exercise for the participating players than the World Cup did.

– We at Gothia Cup are proud that we can participate and contribute to so many hours of exercise for all the thousands of children and young people who participate in the tournament every summer. They get to experience unforgettable things on and off the pitch and build friendships, while also getting exercise - which is important for maintaining good health - in the process, says Niclas Andersson Freiholtz, tournament director for Gothia Cup.

Gothia Cup continues its sustainability work together with our partners to reach the UN's global goals by 2030. With the help of our main partner SKF and our official partners Kronfågel, NeH, Puma and Mathem, we take steps towards the global goal of good health and well-being.