Gothia Cup

Gothia Cup – bigger than ever

Interest in the Gothia Cup has never been greater than it is now.

Twice as many teams from twice as many nations have registered compared to the same time last year.
– Now it's up to us to make the tournament next year a fantastic experience, says tournament leader Niclas Andersson Freiholtz.

When the Gothia Cup opened the registration on September 11th, the interest was greater than ever. Already in the first 30 minutes, over 1 200 teams signed up – which meant a new record. The registrations have since continued to come in and the tournament now has twice as many registered teams compared to the same time last year. In addition, another ten nations have been added to the registration lists. The number of registered nations has doubled compared to the same time last year and the percentage of foreign teams is now also clearly higher than then.

Gothia Cup sees this development very positively and is already in full swing with the planning work for the tournament next summer.
– The meeting place Gothia Cup is getting stronger and it is clear that many people want to come here and take part in it. Now it's up to us to make Gothia Cup 2025 a fantastic experience for participants, leaders, crew members and the audience, says the tournament director Niclas Andersson Freiholtz.

Gothia Cup 2025 is heading towards becoming a record tournament. Haven't registered your team yet? Do it HERE before it's too late. It will be a football party that you won't forget.