Gothia Cup

Information from Gothia Cup because of the new coronavirus outbreak

Since the outbreak of a new coronavirus, Gothia Cup wants to inform our participating teams about the situation.

As of today, there are no directions from the authorities – neither the WHO, ECDC nor the Swedish Public Health Agency – that Gothia Cup needs to take any measures because of the outbreak of the new coronavirus. The preparations of Gothia Cup 2020 continue as planned.

Nevertheless, Gothia Cup follows the development carefully and we are now working according to the contingency plan our organisation have for this type of situation.

As of today, 1670 teams are registrated to participate in Gothia Cup 2020. Only a handful teams have chosen to cancel their registrations due to the coronavirus outbreak. Even so, new teams registrate to participate in the tournament every day.

Gothia Cup’s terms of cancellation are still applied as normal, meaning that teams can cancel their registration with full refund of their participation fee, until June 10th.