Gothia Cup

Joy and Unity: Eden Brooke Spreads Energy at Gothia Cup

Eden Brooke from Phoenix Football Academy found joy in everything related to the Gothia Cup.

Eden Brooke from England’s Phoenix Football Academy focused on joy in everything related to the Gothia Cup. Her hope for the 2024 tournament was to spread joy and energy among players.
– The most important thing for me has been celebrating this experience with my friends, says Eden Brooke.

Phoenix Football Academy is one of the English teams participating in the 2024 Gothia Cup. Eden Brooke, a left winger from the Girls 15 team, shared after a match win how important joy was to her.
– The important thing is to always have a really good time when you’re at the Gothia Cup, says Eden Brooke.

During the tournament, joy was something that reflected the team’s presence. During the matches, there was immense energy and camaraderie. The team's coaches and players showed a unity that was hard to miss. From afar, you could see a team full of friends, both coaches and players.
– All that matters is celebrating being here with my teammates during the tournament, said Eden with a big smile.

Always gathering the team and caring for each other was crucial. After every match, the team gathered to support and encourage each other.
– I think working together as a team and encouraging each other is key. Playing together, having good chemistry as a team, and just thriving together is the most important thing for us, Eden told us after the team gathered for a group photo.