Gothia Cup

New year and yet again a new record when the registrations opened

A new record was set when Gothia Cup opened the registration for next years tournament. After just five minutes the category for local teams was full. But it wasn’t only local teams that were eager to secure their place in Gothia Cup – within the first 30 minutes over 400 teams had already registered.

The registration for the 46th Gothia Cup opened up 10.00 am local time today and all over the world teams were ready regardless of what time zone they were in. For example teams from USA and Canada were among the teams that registered in the first ten minutes, meaning that they were standing by in the dawn or even in the middle of the night. But it was the local teams that were most eager and fast out, and they had to be considering that it only took record breaking 12 minutes last year to fill up the category for local teams that stay at home during the tournament. That record is now vanished – after only five minutes that category was full.

”We thought last year’s record would be difficult to beat but of course we’re delighted by the huge interest to be a part of the world’s biggest youth tournament”, says competition director Niclas Freiholtz.

Swedish team IF Mölndal Fotboll was the first team to register for next years tournament. The first international team was MTW Gifhorn from Germany.  Teams from Scotland, Norway and Portugal were also among the teams that had registered after just ten minutes.

The servers had to handle high pressure and after 30 minutes already over 400 teams altogether had registered.

”It’s fantastic to see that the interest to register increase every year and it gives us more motivation in our work to make the best tournament as possible”, says Niclas Freiholtz.

Participating teams can register in one of four categories: school accommodation, hotel, own accommodation or local teams (staying at home).