Gothia Cup

Positive response for the new Gothia Cup film "Forever"

"Forever" is a film about friendship and Gothia Cup. The film premieres this summer and will be shown during the tournament week in Gothenburg.

But already this month, we've been able to offer previews of the film, which has been appreciated by those who have seen it in advance.

Last summer, the film "Forever" was shot in Gothenburg. The film is about the best friends Mila and Kia. When they get a new football coach in the hard-working and demanding Lollo, they slowly begin to drift apart. Mila, who dreams of becoming a professional footballer player and playing in Gothia Cup, sees her chance to succeed - but the question is, is it worth sacrificing her best friend to win at all costs? Gothia Cup plays a central role in the plot of this warm movie. The main roles as the friends Mila and Kia are played by the talented BK Häcken players Flutra Cela and Judith Sigfridsson. The film opens in theaters on July 7.
– In the film, we want to give the image that Gothia Cup is the world's biggest football tournament, with the feeling of size and a fantastic adventure where dreams can come true, says the producer Stefan Lindén at SF Studios.

We're proud and happy that Gothia Cup is part of the film. One of Gothia Cup's goals is to help children and young people fulfill their dreams. We're also happy to have been able to offer previews of the film in Gothenburg, Stockholm, Örebro and Malmö in May. We've invited Gothia Cup teams and crew members to these. In total, over 1 300 people have seen "Forever" in advance. We will also have a screening during the Gothia Cup week. So far, the response has been very positive.

– There was a lot of involvement during the film with cheers and applause. The film also raises several soft values for the young people to talk about, for example community and how to support each other, and the discussions about this continued after the film, which was fun to see, says Cecilia Lamton, who was there from the Gothia Cup organization.

Photo: SF Studios