Gothia Cup

Uzbekistan - a national team fueled by joy

GSOT fills Kviberg with cheers, somersaults and euphoria

In the GSOT tournament Uzbekistan beat Finland by 4-0 but both teams celebrated together as if they both had won.
– The joy of playing football is so incredibly strong for these girls,
Abror Turdiboyev, coach for the Uzbekistan girls team in the GSOT.

A happy team of girls run off the pitch at the final whistle. One girl does somersaults towards the bench while the others run back on the pitch and celebrate in the center circle. They are soon joined by the Finnish team and pose for pictures together in front of the photographers. It seems a joyous occasion at Kviberg 9 for everyone involved.

For the past six months the girls have practised together in the school yard every day to prepare for Gothia Cup. They have just won their first game after going winless from their first two.
– They have seen the boys play. They want to be as good as them and play like they do, says Azamat Muminov, coach for the Uzbekistan boys team in GSOT.

The two coaches have trained GSOT teams for 10 and 12 years, respectively. They are also athletics teachers at their school in Taskjent where the girls study. They both agree that it's important that everyone gets to play football. This is what GSOT provides for the girls.
– They actually practise different sports, just as the boys do, but football is the sport they enjoy the most. They have really looked forward to Gothia Cup since it it very well known and we are all happy to be here, says Abror Turdiboyev.

It's the tenth anniversary for GSOT in Gothia Cup and this year is the first there is a separate tournament just for girls. This has helped the girls develop an interest in football and to grow as human beings.
– I've been with these girls since they were small. This is an excellent opportunity for them to get experience and grow. I've followed their development and it is a beautiful thing to see, says Abror Turdiboyev.

Despite the fact that they've practised hard and are here to play football, the girls all agree that their favorite moment in Gothia Cup was the opening ceremony.
– That was amazing. Both the boys and the girls loved the ceremony where everyone in the crowd cheered for them, says Muminov.