Watch over 2500 games from Gothia Cup for only 249 SEK
Gothia Cup is approaching fast and soon there are only four weeks to go. Over 50 pitches will be broadcasted live with automated cameras from Spiideo, which means that over 2500 football matches will be broadcasted.

We will broadcast from the following 57 pitches: SKF Arena, Heden 3-6, Valhalla IP, Apelsinplan 1-2, Noltorpsvallen 1-2, Mjörnvallen 1-2, Slätta Damm 1-2, Sälöfjordsplan 1-2, Backavallen 1, Härlanda 1-2, Prioritet Serneke Arena, Kviberg 2, 4, 6 & 9-12, Rosenhill IP, Majvallen, Grimbo 3 & 4, Överåsvallen, Guldheden Södra, Åby 1-2, Åkeredsvallen 1-4, Torslandavallen 1-4, Lemmingvallen 1-2, Kortedalavallen 1-2, Mossens IP, Gerdskenvallen 1, Önneredsplan, Vallhamra IP 1-2, Bravida Arena, Gamla Ullevi, Alströmervallen and Generatorsplan.
From today and until June 23rd, we have a special Super Early Bird offer on the tournaments All Access Pass, which gives you access to all games being broadcasted during Gothia Cup. The regular price is 349 SEK (35 Euro), but if you buy today you only pay 249 SEK (25 Euro). If you want to buy seperate games during the tournament, the price is 89 SEK (9 Euro) per game.
You log in/create an account via this link and then you buy your All Access Pass in the next step. You will receive an order confirmation and the pass will be activated on your account.