
“We do it because we enjoy it”

Gothia Cup wouldn’t work without the officials. Married couple Sandra and Mikael Hellström are two of them. “It’s exciting to be part of the biggest youth tournament in the world”, says Sandra Hellström.

During this year’s tournament approximately 2500 officials will work with a variety of different jobs. Sandra Hellström’s working at the tournament for the second consecutive year. Together with her husband she will host 21 teams at the southern building of the school Hvitfeldtska.

“Of course it can be stressful at times, but the warmth and joy you get from the players and leaders makes it all worth it”, says Sandra Hellström.

For Mikael Hellström it will be his first year as an official. But he has prior experience working at sports tournaments and agrees that it’s hard not to be positively affected working in this sort of environment.

“The teams around you are spreading a lot of energy and happiness, and that affects you in a positive way”, says Mikael Hellström.

The reason they both decided to work as officials is obvious – they enjoy it. Which they both agree is the key for the work they do.

“This is a not a job you do for the money, it’s something you do because you enjoy it. You want to be part of the tournament and help the players and leaders who arrive here from all around the world”, says Sandra.

The tournament will be the first time they work together as a married couple, and with their first anniversary soon approaching they see their week working together as a fun experience.

– The experience of working together will allow us to grow both as individuals and as a couple, says Mikael.